Danny Schaechter

Varsity Offensive Coordinator and Quarterbacks Coach, Libertyville High School (IL)

About this speaker

Danny Schaechter, known as Coach Shack, is beginning his 18th season coaching football and entering his fist season at LHS, working as the Offensive Coordinator/Quarterbacks coach. Prior to becoming a Wildcat, he coached at Gonzaga College High School (DC) for 8 seasons, being part of championships in 2018 and spring 2021. Coach Shack also worked on the coaching staffs at Illinois State University, Arkansas Tech University, Jack Bitt High School (NC), and Leesburg High School (FL). He had taught English for 10 years; however, after learning about Feed the Cats, he fell in love with performance and happily moved to the PE department at LHS.


Applying Feed the Cats to Quarterbacks

December 09, 2022, 04:00 PM
Danny Schaechter